The Argentine Securities and Exchange Commission (“CNV”) simplified the Special Dual Listing Regime for foreign investors through General Resolution 1020/2024, by removing some bureaucratic requirements for international companies to access the local Securities Market.
Therefore, from now on, foreign companies can list their shares in Argentina with no need to register locally, boosting foreign investments in key sectors like mining, infrastructure and technology.
This simplification is aligned with Milei’s Administration seeking an open and free economy with the purpose to attract foreign investments. In this way, foreign companies can access the Argentine capital market without additional requirements in line with international standards. This ensures compliance with regulation of the countries of origin and markets where investors trade, bringing transparency and safety to local investors.
The provisions of General Resolution 1020/2024 could have a positive impact in the local foreign trade, creating a more favorable environment for foreign investment in strategic sectors like mining, infrastructure and technology. Fresh new capital will help to develop more production capacity, increasing competitiveness and exports to balance the commercial trade.
Simplification of the special dual-listing regime for foreign companies will help foreign issuers access the Argentine capital market, enhancing transparency and safety while providing investors with a new global portfolio.
Regulation addressed to investors’ protection remains in full force and effect in order to comply with high standards in terms of financial security. This measure could be a turning point for the Argentine capital market, aiming to strengthen its position in the global trade.