Proud to be part of B20

Por 8 mayo, 2018 No Comments

Estudio Nunes was invited to participate of Business 20 (B20).

The main purpose is that business companies will work forward to discuss and articulate public policies for the upcoming G20.

The B20 Argentina has constituted a High Level International Business Advocacy Caucus, involving the most prominent business leaders of top companies from around the world. Through their interactions with Ministers and G20 leaders they enhance the visibility of B20 policy proposals and recommendations. Additionally, the Argentine Business Leaders Forum, constituted by business leaders representing both the regional and sectoral diversity of the Argentine economy will collaborate in the outreach and advocacy with G20 Argentina.

Each group is integrated by 100  industry representatives from different countries of G20 and invited nations.

There will be eight focus groups leaded by one well known argentine businessman:

  • Employment and Education – Martín Migoya (Globant). Employment and Education are among the G20’s top priorities and this is the category where we are participating. According to ILO projections, unemployment was expected to rise by 3.4 million people by 2017 and by 2.7 million in 2018. Even though the increase percentage is small, in figures this translates into more than 200 million people that are currently unemployed. Vulnerable employment remains almost stagnant and a widening income inequality has been a cause for analysis and concern.
  • Digital Economy & Industry 4.0 – Marcos Galperín (Mercado Libre)
  • Financing Growth & Infrastructure – Eduardo Elsztain (Banco Hipotecario, Irsa)
  • Energy, Resource Efficiency & Sustainability – Paolo Rocca (Grupo Techint); Miguel Gutiérrez (YPF)
  • Sustainable Food System – Luis Pagani (Grupo Arcor)
  • SME’s Development
  • Integrity & ComplianceInés Bertón (Tealosophy); Jorge Mandelbaum (CIPPEC)

You can find more information through this official video:


During May 28 & 29 all groups will meet in Paris for a first approach.

The event is taking place during 4th and 5th of October in Buenos Aires City, introducing the last and main encounter in the same plase, G20. At this moment, the final communication with the conclusions will be announced.

¡Join us for  🇦🇷!


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