Estudio Nunes & Asoc. supports joint actions towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)set up by the United Nations Organization for the Agenda 2030. After some deep training, we were nominated as SDG International Sponsors. It is a collection of 17 interlinked global goals agreed by the 193 member States of the UN, intended to be achieved by 2030 to develop a Sustainable Development throughout the years.
We are strongly committed with the changes required to improve the lives of the people in our society and of the next generations worldwide, generating positive impact with our activities. Here is a brief description (ranked in decreasing order) explaining why we are positive agents to accomplish this agenda and how we contribute to this global challenge.

Considering our advisory services are focused on the private sector, we assume this goal is the fundamental base for Sustainable Development; therefore, our organization makes an emphasis on this goal and our best efforts are addressed towards this action. The creation of more and better jobs is essential to generate the resources required to achieve the other goals.
We assist our corporate clients in developing more and better businesses opportunities and in promoting safe and secure working environments for all workers. Besides, we stress the importance of accidents prevention and promote friendly labor conditions.
Our actions impact strongly since we work in countries that are considered “less developed countries”. We promote the application of innovative and new technologies to production processes and we have an active participation in groups of young business people (such as FECOBA Joven, CADMIRA Joven and UNAJE) aiming to strengthen young entrepreneurship as well as young employment.
At the same time, we play an active role in the Social Politics Committee of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) fostering an inclusive and sustainable industrialization through permanent legal advice to large, medium and small sized companies. We also advise clients dealing with biotechnology, research& development and medical supplies.

Considering our profession, we are fully committed with contributing with this Goal. We not only defend our clients’ interests at many legal and administrative stages but also participate actively in the drafting of legislation (bills, rules, regulations, etc.). Besides, we act as wage negotiators on behalf of employers; these negotiations then result in Collective Bargaining Agreements applicable to thousands of workers throughout the country. At the same time, we played an active role in the celebration of ILO Convention N° 190 to eliminate Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.

We support this Goal aiming to improve healthy lifestyle and conditions for the community. We strongly recommend our clients to perform medical examinations to all workers (before, during and after labor relationship) and to comply with Safety and Hygiene practices in the workplace. Promoting health and well-being is one of the goals with higher impact to prevent diseases, chiefly cardiovascular and non-communicable ones. We also stress the importance of registered employment to ensure mandatory health coverage to all workers and their families. At the same time, it is a support to SDG 8 (decent employment).
Considering the fact that 40% of the world population has no access to health insurance, it is crucial to promote this goal as an ambitious and comprehensive plan of action for all communities. Other facts to be mentioned, among others: every 2 seconds someone aged 30/70 years old dies prematurely from non-communicable diseases. 7 million deaths per year from exposure to polluted air. In this sense, Preventive Law is a guideline to develop social and environmental policies to transform our world.

As professionals, we understand that quality education is a valuable tool for personal and social development. Therefore, we start and develop many training actions addressed to different publics (high schools, non-governmental associations working with vulnerable communities, employees, corporate management and CEOs, corporate owners, civil entities, etc.). Our workshops are focused in delivering tools and skills to be applied to labor environments and real businesses, generating value in our audiences.

Our legal advice to the private sector comprehends efforts to reduce all type of inequalities likely to exist in businesses and working environments. This can be achieved through the strategic design, drafting and implementation of internal rules, generally embodied in Corporate Internal Regulations, often recommended to our clients.

Estudio Nunes & Asoc. complies with internal rules for waste reduction and recycling and programs are currently being applied for a more efficient use of energy and water. Our efforts are reflected as well in our commercial policy: we offer pro bono advice or at special rates to all entities and clients sharing this commitment, aiming to conservation of the environment and corporate social responsibility.

In our legal advice to corporate clients, we foster the new employment trends such as telework under safe conditions, reducing legal contingencies likely to arise. In this way we help our clients to reduce their carbon footprints.

From the very beginning, we assumed that the best way to improve private sector activity could be achieved through alliances and joint efforts. A successful development agenda requires to be in contact with all sort of associations, governments and the international community as well. Among many others, we want to remark our proud membership to Alliott Global Alliance, a group of top professionals present in over 80 countries and the joint work carried out together with the International Labor Organization, attending their meetings annually and with the B20 Group.

We are aligned with this Goal (even not our core mission) through the defense of corporate interests and the detection of business opportunities; hence, creating more and better employment, improving consumption and generating a virtuous cycle of economic growth. Our support to Medium and Small sized companies helps and cooperates with a fair wealth distribution.

Inside our organization, we approach this Goal through gender-equitable employment. In fact, 50% of our staff are women who perform their activities in the same labor conditions than men.
Beyond this circumstance we are active in training courses and debates carried out at international forums regarding violence at work. In this sense, we acted on behalf of the corporate side in two opportunities before the International Labor Organization (ILO). Although labor violence is not an exclusive gender issue, there is some evidence that women have experienced gender-based violence more than men. Therefore, this Goal has to be approached as an opportunity to redress long-standing inequities in many areas of women’s lives.